How to Deposit Funds

  1. Choose a Product

    Start by visiting the product page of your choice, for example

  2. Choose the Deposit Amount

    Decide on the amount you wish to deposit and enter it in the provided field.

  3. Confirm the Deposit

    Review your deposit details and confirm the transaction. Make sure to check the transaction fees and ensure you have enough balance in your wallet to cover them.

  4. Receive a Temporary NFT

    Once the transaction is confirmed, you will receive a temporary NFT that serves as a receipt of your deposit. This NFT will exist in your wallet until the next rebalance, which can take up to 24 hours.

  5. Wait for Rebalancing

    Your deposit will be added to the portfolio during the next rebalance. Once this happens, your temporary NFT will be burnt to signify that your position is now live. You can now view your investment on the dashboard summary.

Last updated